
Legacy Musical Arts exists to give students a fun and welcoming place to explore and develop their potential as musicians. We celebrate the journey of learning music, and the opportunities to share our music with others.

Learning piano is challenging at times, but the lifelong lessons gained, will most certainly leave a legacy that will touch many lives for generations to come. We cannot thank Ms. Jessica enough for the positive impact she has had on our children’s lives!
— Miranda, Legacy Piano Parent

Student & Family Responsibilities

Students will be expected to practice on a regular basis, (Musikgarten and preschool piano students will not be held to this requirement). Consistency is key to achieving growth and progress in music lessons. A suggested strategy is to find a specific time each day to spend in practice. For some this may be right after school, early in the morning, or right before bed. Older students with more responsibilities may not have as much time to practice, but would benefit from the same advice, find a time and be consistent. 

Parents and family members will be expected to help the student in several ways. Provide the student with a quiet place to practice. In the case of younger students, you may need to check the teacher notes to ensure your student is practicing their assigned material in the correct ways. Be encouraging when practice is difficult and praise when your student is making progress! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions during the week. When we work as a team your student will succeed!


Legacy runs on a school calendar schedule. The fall semester begins in August and ends in December, and the spring semester begins in January and ends in May. Each semester includes 18 lessons with breaks scheduled for various holidays following the area school district schedules. A studio calendar will be included with each student’s policy document.

Lessons are charged per semester, which may be billed as a semester total or divided into monthly installments.

2021-2022 Tuition Rates - Piano, Harp, Preschool Piano, Ukulele, Voice

18 private lessons: $23 per 30-minute lesson

1 semester payment - $414.00 or 5 monthly payments - $82.80

*Members of Northern Kentucky Baptist Church receive a 15% discount.

Tuition will be managed by Fons, an online payment and scheduling system. I will set up your lesson appointment, your preferred payment schedule, and will then send you the website link to confirm. Once confirmed, the system will prompt you to enter your payment information and will complete the transaction.

Attendance/ Make-up Lessons

When you commit to lessons, I reserve a block of my time for you for the school year, I trust that your family will prioritize this valuable time in your schedule. Your tuition is paying for more than a package of music lessons, it also purchases the time spent planning lessons, ongoing professional development, recital planning, and extra studio events.

Because I typically operate at full capacity, I can’t guarantee an in-person make-up lesson if a student misses his or her scheduled lesson time, but will make every effort to find a time that works. Alternately, if an in-person lesson is not possible, I will offer a virtual make-up lesson in the case of a missed lesson due to illness or travel. You always have the prerogative to opt out of the make-up options, but you will still be charged for the missed lesson.

Through Fons, you can cancel an upcoming lesson in case of known travel plans. Please take advantage of this option as it will be much easier to schedule a make-up lesson and will free your lesson spot to be used for another student’s make-up.

Discontinuing Lessons

Every student stops taking lessons at some point. Ideally, this decision is made thoughtfully with plenty of discussion between the teacher, parent, and student so that lessons can cease with a positive sense of closure.  For this reason, the teacher asks for one month’s notice prior to discontinuing lessons. However, the teacher respects the student’s right to end lessons at any time.  Note: At the discretion of the teacher, students may be dismissed at any time if they have unpaid tuition, an excess amount of absences/unprepared lessons, or if they show a lack of interest.

Arrival & Departure

When students arrive at lessons, they should be ready to play with clean hands, nails trimmed and all necessary books and music in hand. Please arrive on time as I usually cannot extend a lesson past the scheduled end time. Parents are always invited to watch and even sometimes participate in their student’s lesson or they may wait in their car or in the specified waiting area during the lesson. Siblings are only welcome if the parent is present and should not be a distraction during the lesson.

* Please do not wear any perfumes or scented lotion to your lesson due to severe chemical and perfume allergies.

Annual Teaching Schedule

When you enroll in lessons at Legacy Musical Arts, you will receive a copy of the studio calendar.


The primary focus of Legacy Musical Arts is to pass on the love and legacy of musical learning to my students and their families. It is the highlight of my studio’s year to offer two recitals, one held in the fall and one in the spring. Students are encouraged to invite their friends and family to come and enjoy their performance. Not only will they prepare solo performances, but may also have the opportunity to perform duets and ensembles with other peers in the studio. While students will be nervous (and sometimes initially reluctant) to perform, I consistently see a significant boost in development as a result of preparing pieces to performance standards, then playing them in front of an audience. Ultimately, recitals build confidence, pride and motivation to continue improving. For these reasons, I consider them to be mandatory events.


  • Text/Call: Texts or phone calls are the quickest way to get a hold of me. Feel free to leave a message if I do not answer and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible. 

  • Email: I will keep you informed via email of upcoming recital dates, procedures, expectations, etc. If you ever have any questions about these performances, please don’t hesitate to ask! 

  • Facebook Page: "Liking" the studio’s Facebook page will allow you to see occasional announcements, photos, videos, quotes, and more.

Media Release

From time to time, I will use photos or videos of my students on my website and other locations e.g. Facebook and/or Instagram. These videos are to highlight the accomplishments of the students learning. They love seeing their photos and videos. Students find it exciting and motivating to see and want others to see what they are doing in my studio. Students are only identified by first name. If you wish to exempt your child’s imagery from being published, please indicate on your lesson contract. (You will receive a physical copy of this policy when signing up for lessons.)

Instructor’s Responsibility

My responsibility to the student is to provide an atmosphere for learning and a well-balanced musical education. Professional standards will be maintained and definite goals will be established for each student. It is my goal to give your child the best possible music education. I belong to professional organizations, attend workshops and educational programs, subscribe to professional publications, and engage in other activities on a continuing basis in order to provide opportunities for professional growth and to enhance my own teaching skills. I look forward to making music with your student!